Cue Harris

Hi, my name is Cue (read/said like the letter).

I’m 32 and from Central Florida. I was one of those kids that was always coloring, doodling or painting something. These things were my escape – the perfect distraction from anything and everything. I could create, dream, imagine the impossible. I was the ‘Art Teachers Pet’ all through high school. I filled extra periods with random art classes of hers, just to be in the room and creating something. I had my own desk, literally right next to hers. She always encouraged my weirdness and pushing the limits. I wouldn’t be anywhere near where I am today without Mrs. McNabb. Gratitude isn’t a good enough word. After high school, I played around with spray paint for a bit, I got into painting more with acrylic, did a bunch of tattoos on myself, and then I basically lost interest in existing.


I could barely find any joy or enough distraction in anything, much less the energy to create. I had to work on myself and face some long overdue issues. I began to learn about myself and found out there were tons of other people who felt and thought the same things I did. I eventually came to find me, hiding deep within. I accepted that I am Transgender around 28 years old. I sought a doctor and began Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy. It’s the best decision I ever made – living, for me. Choosing me. Being fully me.

I love life now, more than I knew was possible.

Once I began to find peace in myself, I had the spark to create again. I wanted to do more, bigger – something different. I somehow became fascinated with woodwork, in one of my late night rabbit hole YouTube spirals. It turned into an obsession, I couldn’t stop watching. I decided to play a little and see what could happen. I ended up being able to make some really neat things, and loving it more than any medium I’d ever felt and used. There is something about altering the shape or face of wood that makes my soul do a little wiggle. As I progress through a project, I begin to lose myself and next thing I know, it’s done. And my mind is mind-blown.

I don’t know how it happens, but it does.

Combining my everlasting love for the macabre with this material has been a pretty sweet decision so far. I’m down to create anything, within reason. Let’s challenge our creative instinct together and bring a unique piece of work to life!